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All our services are offered at little or no out-of-pocket cost, so you don’t have to worry about huge bills.
We have our GPs, GP+s, specialist physicians and surgeons all housed within the same clinic. No waiting times and instant referral to a specialist if you need it – at little or no cost. You’ll also find access to the best diagnostic and healing technologies on site. So you can feel assured that everyone is on the same page when it comes to finding the best solution for your healthcare at ISHC.
Our specialists are globally recognised for their ground-breaking research. And that research gets applied to clinical practice and surgical procedures, so our patients have access to the best and most current medical care. At Integrated Specialist Healthcare, we call this translational care – where innovation and the latest proven treatments are brought to our patients – for proven benefit. We set the standard for other medical practitioners to follow.
We’ve partnered with governments and industry bodies to cut out the red tape. All you have to do is to bring your Medicare card, and in most cases, that’s all you’ll need to access to the best healthcare.
We’ve established the not-for-profit ISHC Education and Research Foundation. We invest directly back into research, technology and education – so that we can apply the knowledge we learn today, and continue to make improvements in healthcare – for a better tomorrow for all Australians.
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